Lo Incierto
Abel Vázquez
Acrylic on canvas
130 x 100 cm
Place and date of creation
Mérida, Yucatán. 2013
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It is the representation of a woman who is in communion with the earth and the cosmos. She is ethereal, not yet born, but already exists in the future life. There is a connection with water and the earthly, that is still uncertain.
You can distinguish representations of cell growths that will shape her being, her characteristics and her genetics. There are elements of the earth that accompany her, like the flower and the fruit of the pitaya. The image of a lizard can also be seen in a very transparent way; this will be its designated “Nahual” to fulfill her mission on earth, once she comes to life.
Artista plástico
Formado como ebanista con su padre en su infancia, estudia y egresa como escultor de la más importante escuela de arte de México, logrando un desarrollo profesional polifacético, incursionando dentro de todas las variantes de las artes plásticas.